Monday, July 5, 2010

Teton National Park Bike Path - Day 16

With the morning temperature at 38 we put on our jackets and gloves and headed north through Jackson towards Teton National Park.   At the park entrance we took the Teton bike path which put us at the foot of the Tetons for a ten mile ride on the path.  That was as close to the mountains as I have ever been.  We ran into Bullwinkle while cycling on the bike path and he said to say "Hi" to all my friends back home.  The natural beauty of our country preserved by our National Park System is wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Herm! Great pictures. I would love to do something like that...less the 60-80 miles a day. Maybe next time you can pull me on a trailer! Enjoy our beautiful country. The fam says hi. Keep up the good work!
