Saturday, July 10, 2010

On The Road to Devils Tower - Day 21

After breakfast at the Clarion Inn, we headed east in the am towards Devils Tower through wide open country with rolling terrain, red pavement and multiple cattle guards.  Threatening clouds were overhead for the first few miles as we helped Norma (TX) pump up her flat tire a few miles out of Gillette.  Fortunately the  rain missed us.  The landscape slowly became more tree covered as the day progressed.  An afternoon stop at the Carlile Store at mile 55 helped refresh us as the day had heated up.  Just before reaching the store we passed 5 bicyclists who were on a self-contained ride from NY to San Francisco.  The skies began to threaten rain again as we approached Devils Tower at 2:30 in the afternoon as you can see in the picture with Philippe, Dan, Lori and Jim.

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