Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On the Road to Watertown

At lunch we learned that Lance, a recumbent rider, broke his frame and limped into picnic in Hayti.  Bruce, his riding buddy,  found a welder in town who fixed the frame and they were off again.  We were all impressed with the ingenuity of Bruce.  This area of the country has had bunches of rain which fortunately we have missed.  However the after effects of flooded fields, lost crops, and flooded roads were evident to us as we rode along.  Jennifer, Philippe and I were directly affected just after lunch as you can see in the pictures. The water was about 2" deep.   A muskrat swam across the road about 20' in front of us as we were crossing the water.  Once across it was clear riding the rest of the way into Watertown.

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